The mission of St. Andre Bessette Catholic Church is to proclaim Christ's healing compassion in downtown Portland. Through prayer and service, we welcome all people, to nurture community, restore hope, and share in God's persistent love.
St. Andre Bessette Catholic Church models its mission after the very dedication and obedience of its namesake. We are a Roman Catholic community inspired by St. Andre Bessette to repsond to the communities needs. We welcome all people - rich and poor, housed and homeless, healthy and ill, - to share in the love of Christ through our Hospitality. In partnership with the broader community, we defend the diginity of all people.
At St. Andre Bessette Catholic Church we value compassion, community, the preferential option for the poor, restoring hope, respecting the dignity of all people regardless of race, creed, religion, origin, orientation, and ability. However, above all, is our commitment to the cross, our hope.